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Tim Vilasamani Kirkpatrick : Craniosacral Therapy and Trauma Release Exercises


'There is a natural flow of energy in our bodies and our lives that is stifled by the ego' - Reginald Ray
In western culture, we tend to make a distinction between the body and the mind. From the Buddhist perspective, however, this is a false distinction which critically undermines our ability to be and feel fully alive. The body and the mind do not have an existence separate from each other. Rather, they are co-emergent.

The Buddha's teaching of rebirth suggests that we are
karma incarnated into form, impersonal energy returning to the world again and again until insight into the nature of the subjective self ends this cycle. Our core beliefs about ourselves and the world are embodied, and it is these that shape our posture and our personality. Our knots are our karma.

The Buddha taught that there is no eternal soul. This does not mean, however, that there is no place for
soulfulness in life, by which is meant the sense in a person of being part of a larger universal order. Embodiment practices like Craniosacral Therapy and TRE can produce a state of contentment and openness in which our consciousness can expand and connect with this more open dimension of being.